
The DWIH San Francisco is part of a global network of six centers which is overseen by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The center is guided by several different bodies on both local and international levels.
The Organization of the DWIH
As one of six centers worldwide, the DWIH San Francisco is managed by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). To coordinate the DWIH network, a central management office was established in Bonn, Germany in 2017. This office oversees the central bodies – the Board of Trustees and the Program Committee – which help direct the activities of the DWIH and coordinate the local administrative structures.
Local organizational structure
The director of each DWIH forms the link between the DAAD and the DWIH. Directors are appointed by the DAAD. The day-to-day activities of the DWIH are overseen by the Program Manager. They are assisted by a Program Officer and a Communications Officer. The local management structure also includes the Advisory Board of the respective DWIH, which allows all supporters to be involved.
The Local Advisory Board
The Advisory Board of the DWIH San Francisco is composed of its main and associate supporters. The role of the board is to draw upon their networks and expertise to assist the DWIH New York in programming and strategizing, and periodically review its overall effectiveness. Every two years, the Advisory Board elects a chairperson from among its own members.
The Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is the central body responsible for the strategic control of the DWIH. It is composed of policy makers, scientists, and business representatives, and is chaired by the German Federal Foreign Office, with the chair of the Alliance of Science Organizations in Germany serving as the board’s co-chair. The Board of Trustees recommends objectives for the DWIH that are agreed upon annually between the Federal Foreign Office and the DAAD.
The Program Committee
The Program Committee is the working body of the Board of Trustees. It is composed of members of the Board of Trustees as well as directors of the individual DWIH and local Advisory Board chairperson and is chaired by the Alliance of Science Organizations in Germany. The Program Committee reaches agreements with individual DWIHs on how to implement the Board of Trustees’ objectives and serve as an intermediary between the individual DWIH and the board. The committee is also where the DWIH’s annual plans are presented, discussed and reviewed.